Tuesday, February 10, 2009

crap, my toes are asleep

its true they freaking are and it happens to be bothering me.
Current Music: She's a Lady-Forever the Sickest Kids, today was actually an pretty okay and laid back today. Yes I did FCAT Writes, but it was pretty easy since I got the expository prompt, and what have we been practicing in Mr.Shoop's class? THANK YOU MR.SHOOP!! World History was ridiculous, maybe it was the fact that the test we had today some of the options for answers were really incorrect. I probably can write the test better than the textbook company. As usual he shoots out various projects at the same time, that it is starting to be a bother to me. But who cares, I have a flippin 100 in that class. In Painting and Drawing 2, I worked on my current project which is a Trompe-l'œil, here's an example
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I'm using my red sunglasses and various other objects. Mrs. Caruso(art teacher) asked me today if I would like to take AP next year, that made my day. I really want to be in AP so much, I'm not joking. As I went to lunch I was informed by my Shoop spy(Lenida) that he was not here, apparently he left early due to feeling ill, and we were watching a movie. Yes a movie. Now you're probably thinking, why is she freaking out over watching a movie in Mr.Shoop's class? Well, It's pretty rare that we don't do anything in his class or even gives us a break. So I thank Mr. Shoop, wow that is 2 thanks for him that's pretty scary.
Oh well tomorrow is lab day in Chem Honors, bleh! But guess what tomorrow is a lovely A day, yay!!!!!!!! We're probably going to go over all our play after using the blocking we recieved, with no interuptions.

(ps. weest you don't have to change your layout go to your blog, click customize,settings, comments, show comments, click anyone so everyone can comment)


rose dawson said...

I heard that Mr. Shoop is like a hard-ass but he's like a brilliant teacher. Most people don't want him but if he's going to teach me really well I guess i can take it, for the sake of knowledge

waytoobored said...

It's been a difficult process, but I took FCAT writes and was a breeze. He will definitely teach you to be a great writer.

paraMORE said...

hey guys comment on mine now

Paige said...

lol alan