wow, i'm just wowed with myself. I haven't made a blog post for a month, sadly I was very busy with English, I did have a 90 in the class(but now its an 86).
Current Music: Oxford Comma-Vampire Weekend
This month was boring, so I matter of fact saved you all from complete boredom. But I will talk about my day yesterday.
Yesterday didn't start so well. I woke up very tired, I wasn't getting along with my sis as usual, and of course when I get right of my bus the right side of my head was starting to really hurt. I had to rush to Chemistry to finish my homework that he didn't check! Then there was World History, or as I like to call it "A Waste of Time, Because This is Just Repeated Crap!" Now I get to learn about the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas again, woo....... Then there was our trip to computer lab 8-216
Computer Lab 8-216(noun)
1. A freezing cold computer lab that has a major temperature difference from outside or frankly any other room at NPHS.
2. Computer Lab that actually cause goosebumps on your legs and arms and makes your toes really freakin cold since you are wearing flip flops.
(Hopefully you get the point)
Then came Painting and Drawing 2, which I had to finish my cartoon project by the end of class. I only have to finish color something with Prismacolor markers and then use water colors to paint the background. Luckily I finished it way before class ended :) Rest of class I just listened to my iPod and I finally took the case off my iPod, which I haven't done since I got it on last year. And now for...............
Yesterday In Theater Class...........
As I arrived to my favorite class, I saw that we had to enter from the lobby. Luckily I saw the sign or I would've been a D.A. and just walk right in. So I walked into the lobby and had a seat while we waited for people to come in. A lot of people were all excited for prom, the majority of my friends in that class are going and I'm not, so I wasn't all excited. Henderson taught stage makeup(which I learned last year in Stagecraft 1) and how to create injuries. Then we were practicing our scenes with our partners we have to do, then perform them according to some card. I believe it's actually Who's Line Is It Anyway game. Then it got weird after that.
Alan and Jenn helped Mr. Oliver and Chris Sutter, then Morgan and I were practicing our scene,which isn't too long except for the fact one of my lines is a tiny paragraph that I quite annoying. Francis tried to clean off the"broken nose"off his face and it was a fail. Matt and Francis started to tango, it was just a big mess there was problem with the leading. Then Jenn and Alan came back, I think Matt(I'm not too sure it was him though) through my flip flops across the lobby, so I had to go get them. Of course Francis decides lets steal someone's seat so there went my seat and I still kinda had my headache so I was kinda pissed. So I was like"Francis Move!" and I should've assumed that he would say no so then I said "I'm going to sit on you until you get off!"(cause I thought I would kill his knee cause I'm not skinny) and then it got strange after that.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
i hate when i can't come up with a fancy name for my blog!
Posted by waytoobored at 4:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
your like a kangaroo but covered it cheetah skin
that quote is courtesy of Diet Sutter.
"there's nothing diet about it!"
Current Music: That's Not My Name- The Ting Tings
May I say ever since listening to this song on the radio, I've been playing this song alot on I'm about to have some delicious Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream
I haven't posted a blog in a while. WHY? Well I've been focused on getting this stupid giant self portrait completed by Friday, Shoop's poetry analysis, and deciding future class for my junior class. By the way, I get to decide my future classes tomorrow. I know will be taking the following
American History
English 3 Honors
Algebra 2
Theatre 2( any of my freshmen buddies taking it next year?)
Painting and Drawing 3
not sure of the order though yet.
Slumdog Millionaire is either already on DVD or soon to be and will most likely get myself a copy!
Also I got myself the Twilight DVD, plus when did Walmart get this whole Twilight section? What is it now Hot Topic?
Today in Theatre...
Theatre was dullsville for most of the day today. Morgan had to leave early so we couldn't work on our pantomine, Weest was helping Diet Sutter with Tech work, plus Jenn helped too! Majority of the class I was listening to my iPod and apparently looking on the depressed and lonely side. Then I got on stage and hung out with some people. I was pretending to hit Weest in the face, but he took it seriously and wouldn't let go of my wrists. He kept saying "You have to beg", then I ran him into a small door near the apron. I would like to call that karma!
Well that Ben&Jerry's is calling my name...
Posted by waytoobored at 5:30 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
When somebody asks me a question, I tell them the answer.
a line from my new favorite movie
Current Music: NONE
Hello everyone,
I hope that people had a more exciting weekend then myself since my weekends consists of doing pretty much nothing.
Last Friday was pretty dull and lackluster(liking the vocabulary?). As usual Chemistry started boring but then we played Chemical Formula craps, the prize was something that involved food(I realized today that they received donuts NO FAIR!!). We lost sadly,then came the very boring World History which we had a substitute that makes it even more boring. Drawing and Painting consisted of me trying to finish my anatomy project that I found out is due next Friday.
Last Friday in Drama
For the last nights prior plus third period, I studied my script til I could not study no more. I really wanted to get my lines down without taking a quick glance at my script and try not to call line several times. Before class I even studied and I had my lines down pretty well. We had a substitute so after attendance our group quickly got on stage to rehearse since we were sharing the stage today with the other play. I kinda messed up my first line, I came in on the wrong time *slap on the wrist*. But luckily I didn't make that many mistakes and I actually knew the majority of my lines except for one when I have to interrogate Henny Penney , which I usally do terrible at that part. When it came to the scene where the majority of everyone was on stage .... ugh so frustrating. Everyone kept talking and not focusing, I was starting to get a huge headache. Of course we didn't finish all the way before the other group had to come up, we usually never do and I really need to practice my lines at the end. The rest of class I sat next to Ashley(and I'm probably spelling it incorrectly) and then Matt and I were laughing at youknowwho's crazy, freakish laughter. SEE YOU ARE VOLDEMORT!!
Last weekend started off with my tv network(DirecTV) on showtime and I watched South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut. That is one of my biggest guilty pleasures, the fact everyone sings, Satan is with Sadame and Terrance and Phillip makes it awesome.
Blame Canada!
I would say my other favorite song, but I'm limiting my language( and if you've seen this movie you know what song I'm talking about). Then I watched this weird movie called Skinwalkers with werewolves that were weird, but I missed my vampires. The rest of the weekend I chilaxed with the fam and sat at home not doing anything. Then I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which I've wanted to see since it seemed different(Paige you need to see it you'll probably like it). I loved it, it has become one of my favorite movies now surprisingly. It was so different, so not like your classic love story blah blah, cliche filled story. It was just a great story with the wonderful city of Mumbai as its setting. It kept me glued the whole time and the young actors in the movie were so great. Plus Dev Patel is pretty cute so it made it even better.
Today was okay,
we did some problem solving in Chemistry, did practically nothing in World History and I'm finishing up my anatomy project. English was okay, we had a FCAT Reading Practice test. I probably did okay on, I'm not too confident.
Dress rehearsals are tomorrow after school and then the one act is on Wednesday.
(somebody with great hair should see us)
Posted by waytoobored at 5:43 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
ebonics with stephen and chris 101
even though this happened about a week or so ago, i just wanted to post this. this happened before the other video
oh weest only yells at me, because he can't figure out the camera.
Posted by waytoobored at 7:25 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
that's the one who didn't get me anything for valentines day
that quote courtesy of weest
Current Music:NONE
Today was a pretty great day, mostly cause of drama but I'll explain that later. This morning was cool but it heated up pretty quick. As classes go, Chemistry Hons was boring, Advisory was stupid, World History was well... World History, and Painting and Drawing 2 had its moments. I'm currently working on a contour line drawing of a skeleton, this it so far(not finished yet)
At lunch I had a delicious cheese quesadilla and I gave my friend Lenida my tots since I find them pretty disgusting. After lunch Caruso talked about our artist bio powerponts, so I need to choose my artist by next Thursday. And now for..
Today In Theatre...........
It started pretty dull since the beginning of class was just talking and then our group went in the lobby to work. We practiced for 30mins and then we sat there doing nothing. Then came Stephen and here came the madness of these videos(will add more videos)
Warning! Blair Witch Shakiness is involved
Posted by waytoobored at 5:52 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
weest its your line
no epic paramore references today
Current Music: Jurassic Park theme- John Williams(its epic)
Today was an ordinary, plain, bland, simple, vanilla day. I woke up in my blue snuggie(yes I actually have one and it does keep me warm), it was pretty flippin chilly this morning. My sister has been sick for the past two days so she got to stay home, lucky! The bus ride was ok and I regretted wearing flip flops today. In Chemistry Honors, we did a lab involving seeing chemical reactions with elements from the periodic table, and it was cool but not as much as the last lab we did. World History and Painting & Drawing 2 were kinda dull and then came theatre.
Today in Theatre....
we talked about our tongue twisters and weest was delighted to know I brought my camera to school today. Our group practiced with the lines and then came this
Posted by waytoobored at 12:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
say hi to matt youtube!
thats what you get when you let a freshman steal your camera. whoa!
Current Music: The Beginning is the End is the Beginning- Smashing Pumpkins
Well I didn't do make a post over the weekend, because it's not likely that I would do anything exciting over the weekend even though I did go to the International House of Pancakes in Venice
I was going to get Chocolate Chip Pancakes, but I got regular pancakes instead. Celebrating Single Awareness Day! kinda stinks.
Today, I came into school wearing my new penguin shirt since I adore penguin, my red glasses, and my camera so I could take a pic of my french word thing in art. I finished it yesterday and here is what is looks like
I'm so happy with it!
Today In Drama Class...
well let's start it off with this
well this started with me showing everyone my art project and then weest asked how i record using this camera and the rest is history
We watched a partner breathe? and did some reading of lines and then was part of freshman matt's commercial. Don't eat poison apples!
Posted by waytoobored at 3:27 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
guess what guys? we lit things on fire in chem hons, jealous?
Yes we did and it was a bit awesome. The room had the aroma of fire, which I happen to love for some reason, and we were burning various chemicals. Some of the substances had light lavender color, orange, red and one even had a green flame. Made me remind myself of Sleeping Beauty with the villain Maleficent.It was pretty snappy.
Current Music: Random stuff
World History was pretty boring and I did have some Cookie Crisp cereal which was pretty delicious. Painting and Drawing 2 was pretty much the same, just working on my current project. And now for..
What happened in drama today...
Nothing, yes you heard me basically nothing. It was actually quite boring and we did not do much, except for Chris gave some simple roles like the wall, men, and horses to some of the other cast. It was very boring since I just basically sat there and studied my lines. I still should do that cause I really need to memorize my lines. Then Matt Morris and others came in to do a commercial for Mr. Brislin's class I presume, their commercial was about poison apples. I just basically kinda wanted to get out of class, I was pretty tired.
That's it
(oh and I have a playlist, will soon add new songs)
Posted by waytoobored at 4:13 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
crap, my toes are asleep
its true they freaking are and it happens to be bothering me.
Current Music: She's a Lady-Forever the Sickest Kids, today was actually an pretty okay and laid back today. Yes I did FCAT Writes, but it was pretty easy since I got the expository prompt, and what have we been practicing in Mr.Shoop's class? THANK YOU MR.SHOOP!! World History was ridiculous, maybe it was the fact that the test we had today some of the options for answers were really incorrect. I probably can write the test better than the textbook company. As usual he shoots out various projects at the same time, that it is starting to be a bother to me. But who cares, I have a flippin 100 in that class. In Painting and Drawing 2, I worked on my current project which is a Trompe-l'œil, here's an example
I'm using my red sunglasses and various other objects. Mrs. Caruso(art teacher) asked me today if I would like to take AP next year, that made my day. I really want to be in AP so much, I'm not joking. As I went to lunch I was informed by my Shoop spy(Lenida) that he was not here, apparently he left early due to feeling ill, and we were watching a movie. Yes a movie. Now you're probably thinking, why is she freaking out over watching a movie in Mr.Shoop's class? Well, It's pretty rare that we don't do anything in his class or even gives us a break. So I thank Mr. Shoop, wow that is 2 thanks for him that's pretty scary.
Oh well tomorrow is lab day in Chem Honors, bleh! But guess what tomorrow is a lovely A day, yay!!!!!!!! We're probably going to go over all our play after using the blocking we recieved, with no interuptions.
(ps. weest you don't have to change your layout go to your blog, click customize,settings, comments, show comments, click anyone so everyone can comment)
Posted by waytoobored at 5:40 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
smoothies, I will never look at them the same
most of you will understand what the title is, if you don't your loss.
Current Music: NONE
Today was pretty boring and average involving nothing too special. Chem Honors was pretty boring, but I found out I got a 90 on my test that I thought I did terrible on and 40/45 on the last lab report we did. Otherwise, that class almost made me want to sleep. World History was worse, we were supposed to present our powerpoints today and take a test but some kids tricked Mr. Allen into letting us have more time to "work on the powerpoints". Painting and Drawing 2, I started on my next project that's probably due at the end of the week. Drama was ok, Weest and many other kept interupting blocking our play and it kinda got annoying, but it had its funny moments. Tomorrow I have FCAT writes and idk what we're doing in Shoop's
Posted by waytoobored at 12:06 PM 5 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
my feet are amputated
haha inside drama 1 joke....
i said i was going to post that on here and my mission isnow complete
Curent Music: Gotta Be Somebody by Nickleback
sadly today was not a scare today.*sighs* today was actually an okay day for a b for boring day. the lab today for chem hons. was to terrible even though we completely effed up some of the measurements for the mass, but whatever i'll have to write it in the lab report anyways which i should start or finish. also i need to not let my shoop homework go to the last minute*slaps hand*. i have a terrible of leaving his work til that last minute and i always complain. in world history we didn't work on the stupid essay yay! but we actually watched Prince&Pauper at the PAC and sat with Kaitlynn and waved at Paige. I'll possibly see it saturday or sunday, it's so ironic that the sutter twins (chris and jon) play look alikes. now for shoop's class today, we took 2 quizes the sad part is i did better on the hard quiz than the supposed easy quiz. now for
Yesteday in Theatre Class.......
while some people were helping finish the set for Prince&Pauper, we played some improv games. now i'm not the one to participate in improv, but i love to see people participate such as weest,francis,youknowwho(yes i'm making you sound like voldemort), and paige with her french. oh and i forgot sarai. Jessie(one of the student directors in Drama 4) and Weest started it out with them starting out with a date which ended with dating sites, Alan saying Jessie was fat? and that they should go to Applebees for Weightwatchers(this is what you should not do on dates people) and Weest was somehow always mentioned. So was Ireland's Happy Man!
Paige and Weest did a scene where Paige managed to speak french,german, and i'm not sure she spoke luxemburgish and Weest managed to speak spanish? then there was youknowwho she gave us the newest line to our list of catchy lines in the class. before then weest insulted jach and then youknowwho gaves us this line in a really deranged southern accident(the scene involved why she couldn't get up)
my feet are amputated
my feet are amputated
my feet are amputated
my feet are amputated
Posted by waytoobored at 3:14 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Scare You Know Who Day!
today was a good day,
why you may ask. today was a flippin A day and that means no english and a weird wacky time at good old Theatre 1 class fourth block.
Current Music: Radiator by Family Force 5
Today in Theatre Class.......
like any other Theatre class, i came into class from Mrs. Caruso's room in building 7 which i happen to like that its not to far of a walk. Weest(Alan West) was standing outside with a new hairdo that Paige(the girl with the amazing hair) didn't happen to care for until the later portion of the class. Today we waited for half of the flippin class to find out the cast list for our plays(Chris Sutter took a long time and Henderson told him to hurry it up. Weest was wrapping Paige's keys in this foam stuff and constantly singing the lyrics to a song by his favorite band Paramore. Finally Sutter and Jessie read their cast lists, and I happen to be playing the part of..........
i happen to be pretty excited. the play has a mystery kind of feel that I happen to like. the title is
i'm lucky enough to have some pretty good lines and i get to interrogate some people. can't wait to see what happens.
tomorrow is english, bleh! not excited, i have to study for a quiz that i'm most likely to do terrible on and finish workbook homework
Posted by waytoobored at 2:32 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
don't you just hate boredom. it kinda sucks the life away from you like some kinda vacuum and just makes life dull. almost at a stand still
Posted by waytoobored at 12:16 PM 3 comments